The Social Jar #11 – Christmas Special

‘Tis the most wonderful time of the year folks!

The Social Jar Podcast is back to round-off 2021 with a Christmas special. Dan and Andreas link up in their usual fortnightly spot to celebrate all things festive on social media.

Download The Social Jar on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Or, if you prefer to watch along, head over to our YouTube channel for the video version.

With The Social Jar’s ‘Naughty or Nice’ list, the guys break down the most famous - and the most infamous - of Christmas marketing campaigns, from the good, the bad, to the downright awful. Tune in to hear what the boys think of Lidl’s recent efforts, a classic from Ted Baker and a somewhat controversial campaign from the Metropolitan Police… 

After discussing some controversial Christmas opinions of their own, the guys round off the show by revealing what they’ve penned to Santa Claus on ‘A Social Media Manager’s Wish list’, which outlines the features that they hope that they’ll receive on key digital platforms in 2022. 

Is there a topic you want the team to chat about on a future episode? Email us at with your suggestions!

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