Acosta Sport Consulting approached Uni4m looking for assistance with the branding of the company. ASC is a communications and PR company that focuses specifically on sporting organisations. With Uni4m’s wealth of experience in offering our services to clients in the sports sector, it was a project on which we felt we could produce some of our best work.

We love working with clients on branding packages. We relish the chance to be creative and forward-thinking here at Uni4m, especially when the clients involved are as open-minded as ASC. Here’s how it went down.

The Client

For many years, ASC has been offering multi-faceted support to clients across a wide range of sports. From campaign strategy to PR, media relations to content creation, Acosta Sport Consulting have established a reputation in helping sporting bodies around the globe in a variety of ways.

ASC has unrivalled experience within the realms of sport, combining global reach and networking, with a client-centric approach to deliver both world class services and value for money. We were impressed by ASC’s stature and client portfolio, making this project all the more exciting.

The Objective

Nick Davies, Managing Director of Acosta Sport Consulting, looked to Uni4m to provide ASC with a complete brand package that could help revolutionise the company’s appearance. Within the project, Uni4m were also tasked with providing Acosta Sport Consulting with a new website, to benefit the organisation’s online presence.

For Uni4m, the objective (as it always is when we work on new brand designs) was to offer ASC with a bespoke package that accurately reflects the ethos and ambitions of the company. Before they came to Uni4m, ASC’s branding was sparse, with the company operating without a proper logo or website for many years. It was a chance to give the company the visual representation it truly deserved.

The Plan

The starting point was to devise a new logo, which would provide a tone and a level of formality that would then dictate all further advancements. The logo featured a subtle speech mark within the negative space of the letter ‘A’, a subtle nod to Acosta Sport Consulting’s presence within the world of PR and communications. The solo letter would also be used as the brand’s new logo mark, appearing in spaces where a smaller design was more appropriate.

The typeface, Futura, is a geometrically-driven and reputable font that conveys a modern sense of business legitimacy. It is also available in a variety of different weights, which would be useful when presenting large bodies of text with various titles and subheadings.

As for the colour palette, it was important that the brand remained reserved and mature. A brighter and more playful tone would not have conveyed ASC’s years of experience, trustworthiness and professionalism. Instead, a range of muted blues - with a royal navy being the primary colour - was a common theme within the industry and one that we felt was considerably appealing, yet somewhat understated. A perfect reflection then, of ASC’s brand purpose.

At the client’s request, the website was to remain minimalistic. Uni4m were to design the platform with this in mind, looking to develop a clean, sleek platform that would explain ASC’s objectives and brand purpose in a manner that would not over-complicate the company’s clear message.

The Outcome

All of the complete designs were delivered to ASC in the format of their first-ever brand manual, a holistic document that provided the company with a full set of assets and respective reasoning for their inclusion.

The website, the final element in the brand package, was a simple, one-page domain that would give visitors all of the necessary information as promptly and as effectively as possible. Acosta Sport Consulting were proud of their newly-constructed brand identity, a purposeful lead into a promising future for an established company.

The Metrics

Since the branding project took place, ASC’s brand visibility has reached levels previously unknown to the company. The client has had significantly more leads and contacts from potential customers since the completion of the project. In particular, the new online domain has provided a digital front to the brand that has seen prospective clients access a space in which they could learn more about ASC than was previously available.

The process has been invaluable to Acosta Sport Consulting, who are now a company with a strong brand - something that is invaluable in today’s online age.

